The album object represents an open album in the MyAlbum application.
FullName | String | read-write | Full pathname of the album. |
Name | String | read-only | Base filename of the album. |
Saved | Boolean | read-write | True if the album doesn't need saving. |
dateCreated | Date | read-write | Creation date of the album. |
dateLastSaved | Date | read-write | Last modification date of the album. |
sAlbumTitle | String | read-write | The title of the album. |
sAlbumComment | String | read-write | The comment of the album. |
sAlbumCopyright | String | read-write | The copyright or information text of the album. |
nbPicture | Long | read-only | Total number of pictures in the album. |
nbSelectedPicture | Long | read-write | Number of selected pictures in the album. Setting this property to zero will clear the entire selection and setting it to -1 will select all the pictures of the album. |
nbFlaggedPicture | Long | read-write | Number of flagged pictures in the album. Setting this property to zero will clear all the flags and setting it to -1 will put a flag on all the pictures of the album. |
nbVisiblePicture | Long | read-only | Number of pictures present in the current window. |
nCurrentPicture | Long | read-write | Logical number of the current picture. |
nbKeyword | Long | read-only | Number of keywords in the album. |
nbCustomField | Long | read-only | Number of custom fields in the album. |
nDisplayMode | Long | read-write | Display mode and status for the album (see below). |
sDSThumbnail | String | read-write | Display string used for the thumbnail text. |
sDSFullScreen | String | read-write | Display string used for the comment in full-screen mode. |
sDSToolTip | String | read-write | Display string used for the thumbnails tool tips. |
sDSFullComment | String | read-write | Display string used for the full comment window. |
sDSPictureInfo | String | read-write | Display string used for the picture info (right of the Info button). |
bDisplayComment | Boolean | read-write | Display or hide the comment during full-screen mode. |
sPlayCmd | String | read-write | Background music command for the album. |
bRandomMode | Boolean | read-write | Set or clear the random mode for the slideshow. |
nDelaySlideshow | Long | read-write | Delay in tenths of second in automatic slideshow. |
bSilent | Boolean | read-write | Disable or enable the background music during slideshow. |
nActiveTab | Long | read-write | The keyword id of the active tab (0 for none). |
lCommentFlags | Long | read-write | Flags for displaying the picture comment in full-screen mode (see below). |
sICMInfo | String | read-write | ICM info for the album (string: "G:gamma_value"). |
nSlideSize | Long | read-write | Size of the slides in pixel. |
nThumbSize | Long | read-write | Base thumbnail size in pixel. |
nMarginSize | Long | read-write | Spacing between the slides in pixel. |
nCropMode | Long | read-write | Current cropping mode (see below). |
nStretchMode | Long | read-write | Mode used for resizing the pictures for display (see Resizing modes below). Not used when DirectDraw mode is selected. |
sDateFormat | String | read-write | Format for displaying the Custom Fields of type Date. |
sTimeFormat | String | read-write | Format for displaying the Custom Fields of type Time. |
Close(bNoPrompt As Boolean) As Boolean
Close the album.
Save() As Boolean
Save the album.
SaveAs(sFileName As String) As Boolean
Save the album under a new name.
AddPicture(pszPictureFile As String) As Object
Add a new picture to the album.
Activate the first window associated with the album.
GetPicture(numPic As Long) As Object
Retrieve a picture in the album (first is 0) using absolute number.
GetVisiblePicture(numPic As Long) As Object
Retrieve a picture in the current window (first is 0) using logical number.
GetPictureByFileName(sFileName As String) As Object
Retrieve a picture by its filename (without path).
DeletePicture(pic As Object) As Boolean
Remove the specified picture from the album.
MovePicture(pic As Object, newPos As Long, bAfter As Boolean) As Boolean
Move a picture in an album. newPos is an absolute picture position.
RemoveOrphans() As Long
Remove the thumbnails that point to file that no longer exist.
Paste(sFileName As String) As Boolean
Paste the image from the Windows clipboard in the current album and save it in the specified file. The new picture is added at the end of the album.
PrintOut(nFrom As Integer, nTo As Integer) As Boolean
Print the album (pages nFrom to nTo).
PrintPreview() As Boolean
Displays the album on the screen, as it would appear printed.
AddKeyword(pszName As String) As Object
Add a new keyword to the album.
AddCustomField(pszName As String, nType As Integer) As Object
Add a new custom field to the album.
GetKeyword(numKW As Long) As Object
Retrieve a keyword (first is 0).
GetCustomField(numCF As Long) As Object
Retrieve a custom field (first is 0).
DeleteKeyword(Keyword As Object) As Boolean
Delete the specified keyword.
DeleteCustomField(CustomField As Object) As Boolean
Delete the specified custom field.
DisplayPicture(nMode As Long) As Boolean
Display the current picture using the specified mode:
- DP_CURRENT (0): just display the current picture
- DP_SLIDESHOW (1): start a manual slideshow
- DP_AUTOSS (2): start an automatic slideshow
CloseDisplay() As Boolean
Close a slideshow or a full screen display.
ExpandMacro(pic As Object, pszMacro As String) As String Construct a display string.
Refresh the display of the album.
SetFSDisplayMode(nMode As Long, bReset As Boolean) As Boolean Set the current full-screen mode.
CvtNumPic(numPic As long, bLog2Abs as Boolean) Convert between logical and absolute picture numbers.
NewPicture(w As Long, h As Long, bpp As Integer, crBack As Long) As Object
Creates a new temporary empty picture with a colored background. bpp is the color depth and should be set to 16, 24 or 32. The picture is added to the album at the end.
Redraws the full-screen display:
xmlDecodePicture(xmlString as String, sTargetFolder as String ) As Object
Add a new picture to the album and initialize it with the xml stream contained in the xmlString string.
The picture is then saved in the sTargetFolder folder.
SetMacroValue(pic as Object, sMacro as String, sValue as String ) As Bool
Modify an object property via a Display String. Only mutable Display String can be used
with this method. The pic parameter can be Null for modifying album-level properties.
Display modes:
This is a 32 bit value containing various information:
Bit 0 to 7: | Default full-screen mode: | |
DM_NORMAL | 0 | Mode is normal (no zoom). |
DM_FITIMAGE | 1 | Pictures are resized to fit the screen. |
DM_ZOOM2 | 2 | Pictures are zoomed by 2. |
DM_ZOOM3 | 3 | Pictures are zoomed by 3. |
DM_ZOOM05 | 4 | Pictures are displayed half size. |
DM_SMART | 5 | Smart mode. |
DM_SHRINK | 6 | Pictures larger than the screen are resized. |
DM_ENLARGE | 7 | Picture smaller than the screen are resized. |
DM_FITHORZ | 8 | Adjust the picture to the height of the screen. |
DM_FITVERT | 9 | Adjust the picture to the width of the screen. |
DM_SIMPLEDRAW | 10 | Pictures are displayed with no zoom. |
DM_NOCOMMENT | 0x00010000 | Picture comments are not displayed. |
DM_USEVIEWERFLAGS | 0x00020000 | MyAlbum will use the viewer flags. |
DM_HIDENAVBAR | 0x00040000 | Viewer: do not display the navigation bar. |
DM_USEDIRECTSHOWFORVIDEOS | 0x00080000 | Use DirectShow for playing videos. |
DM_RELPATH | 0x00100000 | Album uses relative paths. |
DM_HIDEPIC | 0x00200000 | Hidden picture are really hidden. |
DM_AUTOFLIP | 0x00400000 | Slideshow is automatic. |
DM_COMPRESSEDTH | 0x00800000 | Thumbnails are compressed in the alb file. |
DM_USEDIRECTDRAW | 0x01000000 | Full screen display uses DirectDraw. |
DM_SORTEDKW | 0x02000000 | The keywords are sorted. |
DM_AUTOSTART | 0x04000000 | Viewer: album will start in slideshow mode. |
DM_AUTOCLOSE | 0x08000000 | Viewer: viewer will close when exiting slideshow. |
DM_RUNONCE | 0x10000000 | Viewer: slideshow will end after the last picture. |
DM_NOCOPYPIC | 0x20000000 | Viewer: picture copy is not allowed. |
DM_MONITORFOLDER | 0x40000000 | MyAlbum will automaticlly add new pictures from the last used folder. |
Cropping modes :
CropMode_None | 0 | No cropping done on pictures. |
CropMode_Track | 1 | Definition of the cropping rectangles. |
CropMode_Crop | 2 | Cropping rectangles used when displaying pictures. |
Comment Flags:
This is a 32 bit value containing various information:
FSC_TRANSPARENT | 0x0001 | Comment is transparent |
FSC_SHADOWED | 0x0002 | Comment has a shadow |
Bits 9 to 15: | Comment position: | |
FSC_POSLB | 0x0000 | Left, bottom |
FSC_POSLC | 0x0100 | Left, center |
FSC_POSLT | 0x0200 | Left, top |
FSC_POSCT | 0x0300 | Center, top |
FSC_POSRT | 0x0400 | Right, top |
FSC_POSRC | 0x0500 | Right, center |
FSC_POSRB | 0x0600 | Right, bottom |
FSC_POBC | 0x0700 | Bottom, center |
FSC_POSCC | 0x0800 | Screen center. |
Resizing modes
BLACKONWHITE | 1 | For monochrome bitmaps, this mode preserves black pixels at the expense of white pixels. |
WHITEONBLACK | 2 | For monochrome bitmaps, this mode preserves white pixels at the expense of black pixels. |
COLORONCOLOR | 3 | This mode deletes all eliminated lines of pixels without trying to preserve their information. |
HALFTONE | 4 | Maps pixels from the source picture into blocks of pixels in the destination picture. The average color over the destination block of pixels approximates the color of the source pixels (slower but better results). |